Argentina will have as representative a Casino Club, comodorense team that has the technical direction of Miguel Schlebusch, who yesterday met with Mayor Martin Buzzi alongside leaders of futsal at local and provincial levels.
The matches will be played at the municipal gymnasium and in Huergo 1 Complex, which will be refurbished. The delegations, which arrive from Russia, Oceania, Africa, Paraguay, Colombia and Venezuela, will stay at the Commodore Hotel. The contribution of the municipality and province is a fact.

A little less than an hour yesterday demanded the meeting to be carried out yesterday in the office of mayor of Comodoro Rivadavia, Martin Buzzi, who along with Ricardo Fueyo-owner of the Agency Decentralised Commodore Sports-hosted representatives of soccer lounge. The conclave served to internalize the head communal on progress in organizing the ninth Clubs World Cup of futsal, to be conducted in Comodoro Rivadavia between 3 and November 8 and which will require an investment of 300,000 pesos, approximately.
The sole representative of Argentina will be Casino Club, comodorense team and current Pan American champion South led by Miguel Schlebusch, who attended the meeting along with Jose Maria Ferreira de las Casas-president of the Federation Chubutense Football Hall-and Oscar Fuentes-holder Leading the Football Hall of Comodoro Rivadavia.
"WILL BE SOMETHING Historic" Commodore was ratified as host of Club World by the World Futsal Association, which together with the Confederation Argentina commissioned a series of demands similar to those made when this same city hosted the championship a year ago Pan American South, where Casino won the title allowed access to World Cup 2008.
Miguel Schlebusch, coach of Argentine sole representative in the forthcoming competition, left relaxed and happy of the meeting. "The mayor was very pleased with the overall management we did so far and pledged to join in all this," remarked a dialogue with Patagonian Journal. It was confirmed that the municipality will provide the municipal gymnasium of Aristóbulo 1 Valley and Viamonte, and the Complex Huergo to be reconditioned. "At Huergo must add two rows over lighting and paint with brighter colors, which absorb more light," explained technical director
Lunch and dinner for the delegations also be borne by the communal body.
"The municipality also will occupy the meal high competition, which is going to do all in Huergo, as in the Pan American," extended.
The government of Chubut will be responsible for accommodation. "It was arranged with the Commodore Hotel, as in the Pan American. There are going to accommodate the teams and will have breakfast, "he said.
Schlebusch says that the realization of the World Club Championship in the capital of oil, will be a historic event for various reasons. "It's going to be historic, because this Clubs World Cup are always played in Russia. For the first time (in its IX edition) is going to do in Argentina, Commodore, and with a team of this city, "he said.
According to the coach, something like this never happen again. "One World Cup Clubs are not going to do anymore at Commodore, and will be very difficult for a team playing the Commodore again, because we must win a Pan American, a number of steps to climb.
In these past two years, there were a lot of things and we must seize the moment, "he said. Schlebusch, containing tears, expressed his pride in being part of this happy for this football hall of Comodoro Rivadavia, and included Jose Maria Ferreira de las Casas-president of the Federation Chubutense-feast in his staff. "This is the frutillita of dessert.
With Ferreira we are thirty years in this, and we can organise a world that the Commodore and I play the lead is something you proud, because you have the certainty that everything you did on the road was not in vain, "he said.