20th of September 2010 UEFS President Mr.Valery Akhumyan visited South Osetia on the 20th anniversary of Independence of South Osetia.
Mr. Valery Akhumyan have met with South Osetia president Mr.Eduard Kakoity.
Saturday 18th september, 18:00h will take place the Futsal Supercup from Catalonia, this final with the winner of the Catalonian National Cup (EFS.Comforsa Ripoll) and the champion of the league 2009/10 (CFS La Garriga).
This game will bbe the beginning of the Futsal seasson 2010/11 for the catalonian Futsal.
Mission statement :
To re-establish the FIFUSA style of futsal in the World, now known as AMF and UEFS, and to create a culture that will see futsal accepted as a serious sport by the public and the media.
To cement its ties with the AMF (The World Futsal Association) and UEFS (European Union de Futsal) and be represented at all major competitions and become a major force on the world scene.
The European Union of Futsal (UEFS) is a sporting international association for Futsal in Europe, founded in 1988.
UEFS is the continental governing body for Europe, affiliated to World Futsal Association (AMF). The current president is Valeriy Akhumyan.
Actually UEFS (futsal) and UEFA (football) are discussing for the European futsal management. UEFS is a specific governing body for the futsal and UEFA has the futsal as a committee beside football. UEFS has been organizing European Championships since some years before UEFA organizes their own ones.
UEFS stages the European Championship biennally.