Tuesday, December 11, 2007

News from France:

Second stage of the National Team from France, a total of 22 players(3 goalkeapers) has been taking part of this second stage.

This stage is a part of the preparation to the Eurofutsal 2008 Belgium.

Ligue PACA :

- Yohan Hammami

- Salim Habidcharef

- Chergui Sekrane

Ligue Languedoc Roussillon :

- Romuald Giuggia

- Pierre Marie Felce (goalkeaper)

- Guillaume Corpelet (goalkeaper)

- Patrice Beaumelle

- Laurent Trentini

- Miguel Ange Martinez

- Johan Delahaye

- Johan Queirel

- Jérémy Matusik

Ligue Ile-de- France :

- Jean Charles Tobarane

- Noudji Laoukein

- Farouk Butt- Yves Pichard (goalkeaper)

Other leagues :

- Ahmed Rani

- Aziz Benrédouane

- Mohamed Kehal

- Mimoun Bihi

- Moulay Mokhtary

- Thomas Mafrici

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