- Russia
- Belarus
- Ukrania
- Armenia
Mission statement :
To re-establish the FIFUSA style of futsal in the World, now known as AMF and UEFS, and to create a culture that will see futsal accepted as a serious sport by the public and the media.
To cement its ties with the AMF (The World Futsal Association) and UEFS (European Union de Futsal) and be represented at all major competitions and become a major force on the world scene.
The European Union of Futsal (UEFS) is a sporting international association for Futsal in Europe, founded in 1988.
UEFS is the continental governing body for Europe, affiliated to World Futsal Association (AMF). The current president is Valeriy Akhumyan.
Actually UEFS (futsal) and UEFA (football) are discussing for the European futsal management. UEFS is a specific governing body for the futsal and UEFA has the futsal as a committee beside football. UEFS has been organizing European Championships since some years before UEFA organizes their own ones.
UEFS stages the European Championship biennally.
1.1. The aim of staging the II Nations Cup Kaliningrad (thereafter Nations Cup) is consolidation of friendly contacts among multinational population of Europe countries, Russia and Kaliningrad oblast.
1.2. Staging of the Nations Cup is pointed at solution of the tasks:
- popularization of the healthy life-style;
- development of the domestic sport and futsal;
- promote reciprocal regional contacts, understanding, acceptance and greater knowledge of other cultures and regions;
- encourage the exchange of interpersonal, cultural and sporting values;
- national teams training for participation in official competitions;
- providing the entertainment for inhabitants of Kaliningrad oblast.
2.1. General organization and control of the competition is realized by Futsal federation of Kaliningrad oblast with Futsal federation of Russia and Union of national diasporas of Kaliningrad oblast. Committee of staging the competition (CSC) organizes and stages the competition directly.
3.1. Nominations of the Nations Cup are:
1. National Teams Cup (2 x 20 min. – actual time).
2. National Communities Cup (teams of national diasporas and associations) (2 x 10 min.).
3. Municipal Authorities and Veterans 39+ Tournament (2 x 7.5 min.).
4. Women Tournament (2 x 7.5 min.).
5. U-14 Tournament (2 x 7.5 min.).
6. Amber Club Cup (2 x 10 min.).
3.2. Venue: sports hall «Yunost», sports-concert hall «Yantarny», Kaliningrad, Russia.
3.3. Date: February 19 to 21, 2010.
4.1. To be eligible to participate in the competition team must pay admission fee and feel in the official entry form, which must reach the Federation before the start of the competition together with writing permission of doctor for every player, with signature of the team head, with signature of the Federation president for national teams.
5.1. The prize-winner teams of the Nations Cup receive cups and diplomas, get money prize. Players receive medals and diplomas. Also-ran teams receive diplomas. Best players by decision of the CSC receive commemorative prizes.
5.2. Close ceremony and awarding will take place at sports hall and also at "Friendship Night".
The Committee of staging the competition
Contacts: 79218531830
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