Photo: Referees from UEFS and the responsable of the referee committe Mr. Alexander Osun (Israel).
Sunday 22:
Salle 1 :
10h00-11h00 : Beaucaire Futsal 7-0 Gunners Orléans
11h00-12h00 : Angers Futsal 2-2 La Sauce Carlésienne
14h00-15h00 : Gunners Orléans 2-4 Canet Futsal
15h00-16h00 : FS Miramas 6-2 Angers Futsal
18h00-19h00 : Barrio FC 2-4 Gunners Orléans
19h00-20h00 : AS Six-Four Futsal 2-10 Angers Futsal
Salle 2
10h00-11h00 : Canet Futsal 10-6 Barrio FC
11h00-12h00 : AS Six-Four Futsal 3-6 FS Miramas
14h00-15h00 : Beaucaire Futsal 11-0 Barrio FC
15h00-16h00 : AS Six-Four Futsal 3-7 La Sauce Carlésienne
18h00-19h00 : Canet Futsal 1-5 Beaucaire Futsal
19h00-20h00 : La Sauce Carlésienne 2-1 FS Miramas
Final games:
09h00-10h00 : Canet Futsal 5-6 Beaucaire Futsal
10h00-11h00 : La Sauce Carlésienne 1-4 FS Miramas
11h00-12h00 : Barrio FC 5-12 AS Six-Four Futsal
13h00-14h00 : Canet Futsal 2-3 La Sauce Carlésienne
14h00-15h00 : Beaucaire Futsal 3-2 FS Miramas
15h00-16h00 : Gunners Orléans 3-3 (7-6 tab) Angers Futsal
17h00-18h00 : Canet Futsal 3-10 FS Miramas
18h00-19h00 : Beaucaire Futsal 3-4 La Sauce Carlésienne Beaucaire Futsal - Champion de France UNCFs
More info: www.uncfs.org
This web its a work done by the IFS (Norway) and UNCFS (France), from Independent Futsal we want to thanks the Brothers Kurt and Frank Hartvedt and Mikäel Bourdaraud, for the great work done on this new project of the UEFS, that wants to improve the quality of the informations about the national federations afiliate to the original futsal from Europe.
Results of the final qualify:
Final standing:
1. Rusia (champion)
2. Paraguay (vicechampion)
3. Bielorrusia
4. Argentina
5. Inglaterra
6. Cataluña
7. Israel
8. Angola
9. España
10. Georgia
11. Congo
12. Australia
Final standing:
More info: http://www.uncfs.org/ or http://www.futsal-salovyfotbal.com/index.php?str_id=12
Mission statement :
To re-establish the FIFUSA style of futsal in the World, now known as AMF and UEFS, and to create a culture that will see futsal accepted as a serious sport by the public and the media.
To cement its ties with the AMF (The World Futsal Association) and UEFS (European Union de Futsal) and be represented at all major competitions and become a major force on the world scene.
The European Union of Futsal (UEFS) is a sporting international association for Futsal in Europe, founded in 1988.
UEFS is the continental governing body for Europe, affiliated to World Futsal Association (AMF). The current president is Valeriy Akhumyan.
Actually UEFS (futsal) and UEFA (football) are discussing for the European futsal management. UEFS is a specific governing body for the futsal and UEFA has the futsal as a committee beside football. UEFS has been organizing European Championships since some years before UEFA organizes their own ones.
UEFS stages the European Championship biennally.