Photos from the closing ceremony with the participation of the representative from sports of the city hall of Lloret de Mar Mr. Ivan Tibau, the president of the FCFS Mr. Josep M. Zamora and the president of U.E.F.S. Mr. Valery Akhumyan.
SUNDAY 02-12-07 Stadium Doe willems
17.45 Arrive of the teams.
18.00 Elite game Asiento vs CurFutsal
18.45 Speach President of National federation CurFutsal Curaçao Mr. Reginald Martina
18.47 Speach Diputate Mrs. drs. Alcalá-Wallé
18.49 Speach representant of ARBO CONSULT Mr. Arthur Nivillac M.Sc
18.55 National song of Coraçao
19.00Final game:
Czech republic, Cities of Luhacovice,Valasske Klobouky Luhacovice http://www.luhacovice.cz/ and Valasske Klobouky http://www.valasskeklobouky.cz/
Termin - 11. - 17. December 2007.
Airport Brno - City Luhacovice is 100 kilometers
Participand -
8 teams Tournament
Gruppe A SPORTCENTRUM - Luhacovice (http://www.radostova.cz/)
Gruppe B - Gymnazium Valasske Klobouky
PROGRAM Eurochampionships women 2007:
- A1 - A4, A2 - A3 ( match 17,00 and 19,00 + 18,30 openningCeremonial)
B1- B4, B2 - B3
- A1 - A3, A2 - A4
B1 - B3, B2 - B4
14.12. 2007 - A1 - A2, A3 - A4
B1 - B2, B3 - B4
- match 7. - 8. place ( time 15,00 and 17,00 and 19,00 and 21,00) match 5. - 6. place
semifinal A1 - B2
semifinal B1 - A2
16.12 2007
- match 3. - 4. place - time 17,00
- final - time 19,00
- Finish Ceremonial
more info will follow soon.
12.30 AURORA vs CPS Stezzano
14.00 Boutique Toupie HERSTAL vs F.S.F. Balvitrans Renau Reus
10.00 AURORA vs Boutique Toupie HERSTAL
12.30 F.S.F. Balvitrans Renau Reus vs CPS STEZZANO
10.30 F.S.F. Balvitrans Renau Reus vs AURORA
12.00 CPS STEZZANO vs Boutique Toupie HERSTAL
12.00 FINAL
more info:http://www.noticies.cat/pnoticies/notItem.jsp?item=noticia&idint=231395
Teams :
Italy(CPS Stezzano)
Russia(Aurora St. Petersburg)
Belgium(Boutique Toupie HERSTAL)
Catalonia(F.S.F. Balvitrans Renau Reus)
List of players Boutique Toupie HERSTAL:
1. marjory GUISET
2. adeline MEDARD
3. nadeige SONNET
4. audrey BODSON
5. fabienne HENRARD
6. sylvianne MIGNOLET
7. isabelle EBHODAGHE
8. christel GOSSE
9. christel MUSIAL
10. martine PEETERS
Coach : Ines COLECCHIA
Delegate : Gerard GOSSE
More info:http://independentfutsal.blogspot.com/2007/10/female-uefs-champions-cup-in-catalonia.html
Mission statement :
To re-establish the FIFUSA style of futsal in the World, now known as AMF and UEFS, and to create a culture that will see futsal accepted as a serious sport by the public and the media.
To cement its ties with the AMF (The World Futsal Association) and UEFS (European Union de Futsal) and be represented at all major competitions and become a major force on the world scene.
The European Union of Futsal (UEFS) is a sporting international association for Futsal in Europe, founded in 1988.
UEFS is the continental governing body for Europe, affiliated to World Futsal Association (AMF). The current president is Valeriy Akhumyan.
Actually UEFS (futsal) and UEFA (football) are discussing for the European futsal management. UEFS is a specific governing body for the futsal and UEFA has the futsal as a committee beside football. UEFS has been organizing European Championships since some years before UEFA organizes their own ones.
UEFS stages the European Championship biennally.