Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Futsal Luxembourg:

From the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, we get the news of the creation of the Fédération Nationale des Clubs Luxembourgeois de FUTSAL (FNCLF).

This new federation has start the process of afiliation into C.O.S.L (Olimpic Com. of Luxembourg) , AMF and UEFS.

The founders of the FNCLF are: Mr. Mambu Francis, Mr. Kabongo Evariste, Mr. Laporta Domenico, Mr. Boukrourou Karim, Ms. Lacrosse Colette.
Visit their website under construction:

1 comment:

alss said...

Hello, just want to say that this fédération is not fair because they put my name and never y give my accord to start this project....they do all behind my back and me and Mr Kabongo never give us permission to do it....bad guy ..... Thank you to take this message seriously.....Best Regards Laporta Domenico